Agency banking guide: make the most of the concept with instant issuing of bank cards.

Today, more than 1.7 billion people in the world are unbanked and have no access to any financial services. Faced with this situation, a solution is emerging for banking infrastructures: agency banking.

street view

Agency banking: an inclusive and profitable concept

Agency banking is a way for a bank to extend the availability of its services geographically, by relying on a network of approved agents. The decentralisation of credit card printers plays a major role in establishing a solid and efficient banking network. In this way, the most remote communities can take advantage of the opportunities offered by a traditional branch in their local shops.

As well as facilitating their inclusion, agency banking emphasises the creation of bonds of trust between customers and agents, through valuable human contact. This guide explains the ins and outs of a concept capable of reducing geographical and economic barriers, by offering quality financial services in places where they were previously inaccessible.

Contents of this guide

  • Agency banking: What is the concept?
  • Tous les avantages de l’agency banking
  • Card printer, mobile device and cloud: the trifecta in an agency banking project
    • How does it work ?
    • All the advantages of this equipment
  • Which card printer to choose?
Finance Guide Agency banking