“Identify What Matters”: when the Evolis signature comes to life in a mini-series .
In 2021, Evolis will be turning a new corner in its history, with a brand new signature: “Identify What Matters”. To share this vision with all its stakeholders, Evolis is giving a voice to those who embody it on a daily basis: its employees. The result is a 7-part mini-series based on 35 testimonials. A look back at the origins of the project and what motivated it.

The desire to share our new identity.
Evolis was founded in 2000. In 24 years of development and growth, its vocation has never ceased to evolve. That’s why, after going from “Evolis Card Printer” (2000) to “Evolis: Much more than card printers” (2010), Evolis is transforming itself once again in 2021, with a new signature: “Identify What Matters”. This expresses the direction taken by the company: recognising people and goods to enable everyone to benefit from an infinite number of possibilities. The mini-series supports this renewed identity, making its meaning accessible to everyone.
Seven episodes, one message: recognise everyone, everything, for greater freedom.
As part of its drive to establish and share its new signature, Evolis has chosen a video medium that is ideal for conveying its message accurately. Seven videos for seven themes, seven freedoms: secure, learn, discover, enhance, commit, travel, work. Each of these themes highlights what Evolis solutions can offer their customers. Alan, who took part in the “Travel” episode, confirms: “Producing this mini-series was a very good way of representing what Evolis wants to achieve under its signature: Identify What Matters”. Indeed, they all share the same message: the importance of recognising people and goods to enable everyone to enjoy their freedom with greater fluidity, ease and harmony. Through these testimonials, Evolis is demonstrating that its identification solutions can help everyone, every day, in their work, travel, leisure and many other activities.

The voice of Evolis to convey this vision: its employees.
Who better to express the importance of these freedoms than those who commit themselves to Evolis on a daily basis? Gathering testimonials from employees was therefore an obvious choice. The themes of the mini-series are highlighted by 35 employees from the Group’s various subsidiaries, who have agreed to come and share what these concepts mean to them. Their vision makes it possible to understand their motivation, every morning, to come to work for Evolis, for their customers: to participate in the creation of a more open and safer world and thus allow everyone to fully enjoy their freedoms.
The production of the mini-series is also in line with Evolis values. Clara, who is in charge of channel marketing for the Badgy and Edikio brands and took part in the “Travelling” episode, explains: “Getting employees to take part in these videos also means putting into practice the “fun” value that Evolis promises on a daily basis”. Raphaël, who contributed to the “Working” episode, adds: “It was a very instructive exercise, which shows that more than the values espoused by management, they are embodied by each and every one of us: it develops a strong sense of belonging and community”.

Identify What Matters | Evolis
Identify What Matters – Episode #FEELSAFE | Evolis
Identify What Matters – Episode #LEARN | Evolis
Identify What Matters – Episode #COMMIT | Evolis
Identify What Matters – Episode #TRAVEL | Evolis
Identify What Matters – Episode #WORK | Evolis
Identify What Matters – Episode #DISCOVER | Evolis
Identify What Matters – Episode #VALUE | Evolis