Accreditation badges for the film festival
Accreditation badges for the film festival
Optimized organization using badges with individualized access.

The challenge
Personalizing thousands of accreditation badges for the Premiers Plans festival, dedicated to young European film directors.

The solution
Every year, Evolis supports the famous Premiers Plans festival, by providing the organizers with the card printers needed to personalize the badges of organizers, festival-goers, and cinema professionals.
The double-sided color printer Primacy was the number one choice for the organizers to fulfill the requirement of identifying the various audiences present during the festival. The badges are printed:
- Using a color code for each category of participants (schoolchildren, professionals, members, judges, etc.)
- With the photo and ID of the cardholder on the back
- Advertising printed in black-and-white on the back
The color coding of the badges allows visitors to be quickly directed to the appropriate places and optimizes the flow of spectators or professionals. In order to prevent a rush during the busy times, most of the accreditations are printed prior to the festival. The printers are then distributed across the various public entry points, to ensure badges can be given to festival-goers arriving for each session.
The result
More than 5,000 color badges are personalized for the event and, according to the organizers, Primacy has several advantages:
- Giving the organization a professional touch
- Fast printing
- Easy to use
- High-quality printing
Depending on the service chosen by the film-goer, the badge gives access to a limited selection of films or to the entire program. In any case, film-goers can keep this colorful badge, decorated with their photo, as a souvenir of the festival.
