DirectImage Cards, the souvenir cards printing
DirectImage Cards, the souvenir cards printing
DirectImage Cards and Primacy to personalize instantly souvenir cards on request.

Challenge: personalize instantly souvenir cards during events
DirectImage Cards, a Canadian company, issues instantly souvenir cards on request to customers to help brands engage with their customers during sponsored events.
With its FotoKard design software, DirectImage Cards promoted its innovative service during 2 events in Toronto:
- At Rogers Centre, home of the city baseball team
- At Woofstock, pet festival dedicated to dog lovers.

Solution: Evolis Primacy and FotoKard application for a mobile issuance
For these 2 events, the FotoKard software has been linked to a Primacy card printer with Wi-Fi already installed in factory. This feature made it possible to support any card application in mobile environments, and eliminated the need to place the printer next to a USB port or a wired network connection.
There is a three-stage process for making the card:
- Take a picture of the client and insert it into a card layout.
- Send wirelessly the file to a Primacy printer to customize the card in less than a minute.
- Send an email to the souvenir card holder.
Result: souvenir cards as communication and promotion tools
Souvenir card issuance offers several benefits for both customer and brand.
For the customer:
- Full satisfaction with card personalization on request and card holder photo,
- Instant issuance during the event.
For the brand:
- Email address capture and use for a follow-up marketing campaign,
- Unique and powerful way to engage with their customers.
