Growing Medical Marijuana Card Issuer Gives Patients a New More Practical Solution
Growing Medical Marijuana Card Issuer Gives Patients a New, More Practical Solution
420ID Uses Evolis Primacy to Issue Patient Permits to Carry and Purchase Medical Marijuana

Challenge: Patients require more convenient format for medical marijuana permit.
420ID was founded in 2019 and is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. The company specializes in providing the medical reviews required for patients to properly enter a state’s medical marijuana program. They also produce patient permits showing an individual is legally able to purchase and carry medical marijuana. Historically, 420ID has served Missouri residents alone, but the company plans expansion into all states that offer a medical marijuana program, beginning with OK, IL and NY. Their team of 15 licensed physicians and support staff is located between Los Angeles, California and New York City, NY.
Patient permits are valid for 1 year and are typically carried in one’s wallet at all times. Currently, the state of Missouri does not provide patients with a physical card. Instead, they provide a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version of the permit file which they hope everyone can print and carry for a year. Early on, 420ID printed and laminated the PDF and send it to their patients as a service differentiator and a matter of convenience.
Based on feedback from patients, 420ID determined that they should provide a better format that included all the required information and was easier to carry. They quickly began searching for a card personalization solution that would be able to keep up with the state’s evolving information guidelines. They also wanted one that would produce a card that customers were proud to carry and would fit into a wallet. 420ID wanted to further differentiate themselves by being the only service that would print a full color, double-sided card on plastic would set us apart from all other options.

Solution: Ideal solution, exceptional support
Following exhaustive research, the 420ID team selected the Primacy Duplex, a solution that delivered everything they required, within their budget.
“After purchasing our first Primacy printer we had the challenge of adapting our old paper and lamination to the new plastic cards with our old paper and lamination system,” said Brandon Phillips, CEO, 420ID. “We contacted the Evolis support team and they not only walked us through the printer setup but provided one of the best customer service experiences of my life.”
The Evolis support team took time to understand how 420ID intended to use the printer. After learning the company’s current process, the support team adapted the training to suit 420ID’s unique application, then guided them to successful completion of their first prints.
Results: Personalized agile card production to meet expansion goals
The new cards, printed on the company’s two Primacy Duplex printers, include confidential patient data accessed via bar code which is scanned when they visit a dispensary or are required to verify by the state or police.
The dedicated 420ID team who specializes in printing cards and packaging them for delivery to patients. They expect to print and issue over 20,000 cards per year as they expand their business across the United States. They plan to expand their family of Evolis printers to accommodate their rapid growth.
Evolis Platinum Partner, Beresford has provided a high level of response to 420ID and continues to foster a great relationship between the two companies.
