Voter card in Tanzania
Voter card in Tanzania
Register the population and issue voter card for the presidential election.

The challenge: register the population and issue voter cards
Register an estimated population of 51 million inhabitants of the vast territory of Tanzania (945,000 km²) and issue voter cards for the presidential election on October 2015.

The solution: a decentralized biometric registration system, coupled with the instant issuance of the card
The National Electoral Commission (NEC) decided to set up a decentralized biometric registration system, coupled with the instant issuance of a voter card in a plastic card format.
Voter registration was carried out from a deployment case called BVR (Biometric Voter Registration), including a Zenius printer, enabling:
- the eligibility of citizens in minutes,
- to record his or her personal data (photo, fingerprints, signature),
- and immediately deliver a secure voter card.
The companies Laxton, Bytes and Lithotech have worked closely together to integrate, deliver and deploy this solution at several thousands mobile registration points.
The result: More than 8,400 systems have been built to issue 24 million cards.
This innovative system has enabled the organizing authorities of the election to ensure the creation of a reliable voter base in a record time.
Another advantage greatly appreciated by the voters: the immediate availability of their card, avoiding them to return again to collect it.
