Custom Projects
The Spirit of a Start-Up. The Strength of an International Group.
What is the greatest strength of our dedicated custom projects team? Their exceptional responsiveness and readiness to meet your needs.

Whatever your market, however big your project.
What is the greatest strength of our dedicated custom projects team? Their exceptional responsiveness and readiness to meet your needs. It is this start-up spirit that allows it to innovate and successfully carry out all the projects entrusted to it. And when you combine this with the industrial and commercial strength of a group like Evolis, anything is possible.
Our dedicated custom projects team devotes all its energy to the realization of your specific project. When a new request comes in, it is always an opportunity for innovation! It is this daily challenge—seeking and finding the precise, tailored answer to your needs—that motivates the team.
The majority of requests come from the banking and government sectors. The team has therefore developed a particular competence in these areas, with detailed knowledge of their specific issues and problems. Other requests come from the health, education, and transportation markets.

Endless customization possibilities.
The only limits are the ones you set for your project. So what is possible? Anything! Adaptations can be made to software, mechanics, electronics, consumables, services… It is impossible to give an exhaustive list. And if this helps you understand that our capacity for development is immense, you should know that, in reality, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The whole world is its playground.
The custom projects team operates around the world with:
- Its own team: pre-sales specialists based in China, North America, South America, and Europe
- The 5 subsidiaries of the group: United States, Latin America, China, India, and Singapore
- Our 400 partners in 140 countries
This international presence allows the team to cover all time zones and to work in 8 languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, Arabic, Shanghainese, and Hindi. Being close by allows us to offer you the most personalized support.

The life of your project in 5 steps!
- Qualification: understanding your project, guiding you, and defining the scope through the specifications.
- Development: room for creativity and innovation!
- Tests & evaluation: until a perfect solution is confirmed, tested under real conditions.
- Deployment: true teamwork with your system integrator or via one of our partners, right through to the training and handing over of the solution.
- Operation: support, assistance, and maintenance included. And if you want to upgrade your installed solution with new features, we are right there for you too.

A team that lives up to its ambitions.
All this is possible thanks to a dedicated team:
- Pre-sales specialists
“Why? What? When? How much? How?” The pre-sales specialists question you to fully understand your needs and also guide you to ask yourself the right questions.
- Project managers
As a true leader of your project, the project manager follows it diligently and ensures it comes to fruition. They are your first point of contact, from start to finish.
- Prototype technician
The prototype technician is the one who makes your project a reality, with prototypes that are ultra-faithful to your definitive solution.
This team can also count on our in-house experts from the design, production, and sales departments to take into account the global dimension of your project. The team also keeps a close watch on the latest technological trends, essential for entertaining all possible solutions and finding the one that will meet your needs.